The Last Six Dancers Alive

user: Dave Morse

Rick's Triplet #1

by: Rick Mohr

introduces moves: swing, custom, balance, roll away, circle

formation: triplet

ones improper, twos & threes proper (though it isn't imperative to begin that way, as the A1 resets to this)

A1 16
partners balance & swing - ones face down, others face up
A2 16
dip and dive, 6 changes - inside couple arch, turn as a couple on the ends
B1 0
top two couples form a ring of four
balance in a ring of four
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay - top two ladles from left to right along the set
all form a ring of six
balance in a ring of six
gentlespoons roll away next neighbors (bottom two with neighbor along the set, top with partner across the set)
B2 4
balance in a ring of six
circle left 6 places ⁋

Ted Sannella wrote many wonderful triplets and popularized the formation for contra dancers. The best triplets give a short intimate dancing experience with a zesty all-moving contra feel and the added variety of 3-couple figures.

A2's "dip and dive" starts with couples 1 and 2 trading places, couple 1 ducking under couple 2's arch. Then couples 1 and 3 trade places, couple 1 arching over couple 3, while couple 2 does a California twirl at the top. Then couple 3 arches over couple 2 while couple 1 does a California twirl at the bottom. After 6 such changes everyone is back home. (This figure works best if the preceding dance had a California twirl so everyone can do it smoothly!)

In B1, couple 1 moves to the middle during the first roll away and to the bottom during the second roll away. In both rollaways the ladles move to their right while the gentlespoons move to their left.

In terms of the original numbering, once through the dance leaves the couples in a 2, 3, 1 sequence.

Video: Rick Mohr & Crowfoot at Au Contraire 2011, Atlanta GA

Turn Back Jack

Airpants, Bradley Smith pass through

by: Lisa Greenleaf

Tune: Dinos Smithurinos

introduces moves: long lines, allemande, balance the ring, pass through

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
pass through to new neighbors

Bradley Smith Notes: Originally, the last figure of this dance was a neighbor do-si-do 1 1/2, but I usually swap it for the ring balance and pass through to make the progression as simple as possible for inexperienced dancers.

Down by the Riverside triplet

by: Melanie Axel-Lute

introduces moves: do si do, contra corners, custom

formation: triplet

A1 8
long lines forward & back
partners do si do once
A2 16
twos contra corners
B1 8
partners swing two hand
circle left
B2 16
trios basket swing, end facing across

Chet uses "opposite" instead of "partner" and "centers" instead of "twos".

Ice Cream in the Sink

by: Kathy Hirsh

Caller: LyJo, Tune: Car Wash, 0:47

introduces moves: custom

formation: circle

A1 8
long lines forward & back
long lines forward & back
A2 4
partners allemande right once
neighbors allemande left once (former partner)
partners do si do 1¼ - end as standard couple, facing right
B1 4
partners balance together & apart
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
partners balance together & apart
gentlespoons twirl ladle to gentlespoon behind ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing (new partner) - end facing center

Source: Zesty Contras by Larry Jennings

Ted's Triplet #7

by: Ted Sannella

Tune: Opera Reel (20)

introduces moves: right left through, up the hall

formation: proper triplet

A1 8
ones allemande right 1½ WHILE
twos allemande right 1½ as well
right left through, ones and twos only, arm around turn preferred
A2 16
ones contra corners
B1 16
ones balance & swing
B2 8
ones up the center and cast alone to the bottom ⁋
partners do si do once

For the right left through, it is conventional to use an arm-around cast for the courtesy turn rather than attempting to get the gentlespoons to wrap their heads around a normal courtesy turn. This could be disregarded, of course, in a community strongly familiar with non-gendered dancing and/or the gentlespoons chain.