user: Casey Caison
by: Erik Weberg
introduces moves: circle, pass through, swing, do si do, square through
formation: Becket
A1 | 6 | circle left 3 places
2 | pass through
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8 | next neighbors swing
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A2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
8 | partners do si do once
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B1 | 16 | square through four - partners balance & pull by right, then neighbors pull by left, then repeat
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
by: Bob Isaacs
introduces moves: right left through, chain, balance, roll away
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | right left through
8 | ladles chain
| |
B1 | 4 | balance the ring
4 | gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay across the set
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8 | partners swing
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B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
2 | pass through ⁋
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8 | next neighbors do si do once
by: Bob Isaacs & Chuck Abell, var from Cis Hinkle
introduces moves: mad robin, hey, gyre, revolving door
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | mad robin, ladles in front
8 | ladles start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
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A2 | 8 | neighbors gyre once
8 | neighbors swing
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B1 | 8 | revolving door - ladles take right hands and drop off neighbors on other side; return to partner
8 | partners swing
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B2 | 8 | ladles chain (to neighbor)
8 | mad robin, ladles in front (take your time) ⁋
Works better in an uncrowded hall where the dancers can make the mad ladles big and swoopy to take up the full time.
by: Bob Dalsemer
introduces moves: allemande
formation: improper
This dance was written for the Cape Fear Contra Dancers in Wilmington, NC.
A1 | 8 | circle left 4 places
4 | gentlespoons roll away neighbors to the right
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4 | neighbors gyre once
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A2 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
8 | partners do si do once
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B1 | 4 | partners balance
12 | partners swing
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B2 | 8 | ladles chain ⁋
8 | ladles start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
Turn to a new neighbor
by: Dean Snipes
introduces moves: star, form a long wave, Rory O'More
formation: Becket
A1 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
8 | neighbors swing
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A2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | star left - hands across - 4 places and a little bit more
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B1 | 0 | ladles form a long wave in the center
8 | balance & ladles Rory O'More right while gentlespoons Rory across
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8 | star right - hands across - 4 places and a little bit more
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B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing ⁋