user: Ezra Smith
Meant to be the push in the first half
Mixer, extra
Waltz (no Break)
Meant to be the push in the second half
Might not need this many but this in an extra.
by: Lisa Greenleaf
introduces moves: swing, long lines, allemande, circle, balance the ring, pass through
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | ladles allemande right 1½
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Bradley Smith Notes: Originally, the last figure of this dance was a neighbor do-si-do 1 1/2, but I usually swap it for the ring balance and pass through to make the progression as simple as possible for inexperienced dancers.
by: unknown
introduces moves: chain, do si do
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | ladles chain
| |
B1 | 8 | ladles do si do once
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | pass through ⁋
by: Orace Johnson
introduces moves: slide along set
formation: Becket
A1 | 2 | slide left along set ⁋
8 | circle left 3 places
| |
8 | neighbors do si do once
| |
16 | neighbors balance & swing
| |
8 | circle left 3 places
| |
8 | partners do si do once
| |
16 | partners balance & swing
introduces moves: petronella, balance
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors allemande right 1¾
8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
| |
A2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | balance & petronella
| |
B2 | 8 | balance & petronella
4 | balance the ring
| |
2 | pass through ⁋
by: Ralph Page
introduces moves: down the hall, up the hall, star
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors do si do once
8 | partners do si do once
| |
A2 | 8 | neighbors allemande left once
8 | ones swing
| |
B1 | 8 | ones down the center and turn alone
8 | ones up the center and end below the twos and take hands four
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 4 places
8 | star left 4 places ⁋
by: Ridge Kennedy
Meant to be the push in the first half
introduces moves: Rory O'More, give & take
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | balance & Rory O'More right
8 | balance & Rory O'More left
| |
A2 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
B1 | 4 | gentlespoons give & take partners
12 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | pass through to new waves ⁋
Can also make waves in B2 and balance those
by: unknown
Mixer, extra
introduces moves: promenade
formation: improper
Form hands of four at random on the dance floor, improper formation.
A1 | 8 | circle left 4 places
8 | circle right 4 places
| |
A2 | 8 | star right 4 places
8 | star left 4 places
| |
B1 | 8 | neighbors swing
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 16 | partners promenade randomly to find new neighbors ⁋
I am not sure who wrote this.
Waltz (no Break)
by: Becky Hill
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
8 | partners swing
| |
B1 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | ladles chain to neighbor
| |
B2 | 8 | star left 4 places ⁋
8 | next neighbors do si do once
by: Dugan Murphy
Meant to be the push in the second half
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 4 | balance the ring
4 | pass through to an ocean wave
| |
4 | balance right and then left
| |
2 | neighbors allemande right ½
| |
2 | gentlespoons allemande left ½
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | star left 4 places ⁋
by: Dugan Murphy
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | balance & petronella
| |
A2 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
B1 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | pass through ⁋
by: Jim Kitch
Might not need this many but this in an extra.
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors do si do once
8 | neighbors allemande right once
| |
A2 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
8 | partners swing
| |
B1 | 6 | circle left 3 places
10 | neighbors swing
| |
B2 | 8 | neighbors promenade
8 | star left 4 places ⁋