user: Elisabeth Monica
by: Isaac Banner
introduces moves: circle, balance the ring, pass through, allemande, balance, hey, swing
formation: Becket
A1 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | pass through ⁋
| |
A2 | 8 | ladles allemande left 1½ (new ladles)
4 | balance short waves
| |
4 | partners allemande right ¾
| |
B1 | 16 | ladles start a full hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
Based on Paul Balliet's First Hey, shifted and with one phrase changed. Offers an opening that works much better with a barn-burner of a tune, with a runaway B section. Manages the energy throughout the sequence better than Paul's original dance, in my opinion. At the very least it offers a distinctly more driving and chunky feel compared to the original.
by: James Hutson
introduces moves: box the gnat, chain, star
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
| |
A2 | 8 | partners right hand balance & box the gnat
8 | partners start a half hey - rights on ends, lefts in center
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | star left 4 places ⁋
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: long lines, pull by dancers, form an ocean wave, custom, right left through
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | long lines forward & back
2 | gentlespoons pull by right - next gentlespoon is on left diagonal
| |
6 | partners allemande left once
| |
A2 | 4 | form an ocean wave & balance - gentlespoons by right hands and partners by left hands
4 | walk forward to ⁋
| |
4 | form an ocean wave & balance - gentlespoons by right hands and shadows by left hands
| |
4 | shadows allemande left ¾
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | right left through
co written by Steve Schnur
by: Andrea Nettleton
introduces moves: custom, do si do
formation: improper
Begin in a short wave of 4 - right to neighbor; ladles left in the middle
A1 | 4 | balance the wave right & back (with N1)
4 | walk fwd to ricochet with next neighbor (N2) and turn back to N1
| |
8 | neighbors swing (N1)
| |
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
4 | pass through to an ocean wave - ladles by left in the center, neighbors by right on the sides
| |
2 | neighbors allemande right ½
| |
2 | gentlespoons allemande left ½
| |
B1 | 4 | balance the wave right & back (with partner) ⁋
4 | walk fwd to ricochet with shadow and turn back to partner
| |
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 6 | circle left 3 places
2 | pass through ⁋
| |
8 | next neighbors do si do 1¼ to wave of 4
by: Sue Rosen
introduces moves: promenade, roll away, cross trails
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors do si do once
8 | neighbors swing
| |
A2 | 8 | neighbors promenade
8 | ladles chain
| |
B1 | 8 | ladles allemande right once
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay
| |
4 | cross trails - partners across the set right shoulders, neighbors along the set left shoulders ⁋
With neighbor along the set roll away with half sashay (ladles rolling from left to right)