20180815 Green Lake Outdoor Open Band

user: Allison Jonjak

Consider Hydrogen Lawn variation

by: Martha Wild

introduces moves: chain, allemande, allemande orbit, swing, square through

formation: improper

ensure space along lines

A1 8
along the set ladles chain +
partners allemande right once
A2 8
partners allemande right 1½
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit clockwise ½ around
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
ladles chain
square through two - partners balance & pull by right, then neighbors pull by left ⁋

Variation of https://contradb.com/dances/321 eliminates do-si-do for use outdoors

/+ along the set is still within the minor set. After the chain you're on the same side of the set as your partner.

Martha Wild notes: I usually call the whole A2 sequence “orbit”. This dance requires space along the lines for the chain up and down. I like the half square through into ladles chain up and down transition - bit of a surprise at first.

This dance was written in honor of the late great physicist Richard Feynman, who taught at Cal Tech. There were only two questions on his Quantum Mechanics final exam - the first was “Consider hydrogen.” Of course, if you really look at this dance, perhaps it should be called “Consider Helium” or at least consider helium without the neutrons.... But that is hard on helium, so after a brief attempt at fusion (after building up spin energy in the do-si-do and allemande right), the combined orbits undergo fission and we’re back to hydrogen atoms in balance and swing your partner. By the way, the second question was “Do something elegant.”


by: Jim Hemphill

introduces moves: long lines, give & take, right left through, roll away, star, star promenade, butterfly whirl

formation: Becket

A1 4
long lines forward
gentlespoons take neighbors
neighbors swing
A2 4
long lines forward
gentlespoons take partners
partners swing
B1 8
right left through
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
star right 3 places ⁋
B2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ next gentlespoons
star promenade left ½
butterfly whirl

first dance Allison Jonjak ever called, at a Pigtown Fling afterparty. Learned from Rachel (Stubbs) Bergin.

The Country of Marriage Lawn variation

by: Susan Kevra

introduces moves: circle, form an ocean wave, promenade, custom

formation: Becket

A1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors allemande right once to
A2 4
form an ocean wave & balance - ladles by left hands and neighbors by right hands
ladles allemande left once
neighbors swing
B1 8
neighbors promenade
gentlespoons allemande right ¾ to a fleeting long line ⁋
gentlespoons allemande left ½ immediately with the next
B2 0
meanwhile ladles slide left to meet partner for a
partners balance & swing

Variation of https://contradb.com/dances/157 eliminates the do-si-do for outdoor use

Susan notes "at the end, wait out on side in Becket formation, so the gentlespoons can join in on the "zig-zag chain"* in B1. Next round of the dance starts with the couple containing the gents from the allemande Left.

*a la Mary Cay's Reel by David Kaynor

Du Quoin Races

by: Orace Johnson

introduces moves: balance the ring, balance, form long waves, box circulate, slide along set

formation: Becket

A1 4
balance the ring
pass through to an ocean wave - ladles by left in the center, partners by right on the sides
partners allemande right ¾ to
A2 0
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
balance & box circulate - ladles cross while gentlespoons loop right
balance & box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop right
B1 8
partners swing (on your home side)
circle left 2 places
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay across the set
B2 4
circle left 2 places
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
circle left 2 places
slide left along set ⁋

Orace Johnson note (that helps date the dance): To “pass through to an ocean wave," begin to pass through across the set. Ladles catch each other's left hand and turn just 1/4 as the gentlespoons cross all the way, turn right, and take partners’ right hands to form wavy lines-of-4 across.

available: http://dancevideos.childgrove.org/contra/contra-modern/205-duquoin-races

Bowl of Cherries Lawn variation

by: Sue Rosen

introduces moves: cross trails

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors allemande right once
neighbors swing
A2 8
neighbors promenade
ladles chain
B1 8
ladles allemande right once
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay
cross trails - partners across the set right shoulders, neighbors along the set left shoulders ⁋

Variation of https://contradb.com/dances/39 eliminates do-si-do for use outdoors

With neighbor along the set roll away with half sashay (ladles rolling from left to right)

Rod's Grits Lawn variation

by: Bill Olson

introduces moves: box the gnat, pass through

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
star right - wrist grip - 4 places +
A2 8
right left through
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
partners promenade
circle left 3 places
pass through to new neighbors

Variation of https://contradb.com/dances/542 eliminates do-si-do for use outdoors

/+ star back where you came from

Collected from Liz Burkhart at MMiSL 2018.

Tinkie Winkie Lawn variation

by: Ron Buchanan

introduces moves: custom

formation: improper

A1 4
neighbor star through +
circle left 3 places
partners allemande right once on gentlespoon's side of the set
A2 16
partners balance & swing, face neighbor
B1 4
star through with neighbor +
circle left 3 places
neighbors allemande right once on original side for all
B2 16
neighbors balance & swing, face new neighbor ⁋

Variation of https://contradb.com/dances/658 eliminates do-si-do for use outdoors

/+star through is a handy-hand California Twirl. (use inside hands, so in improper formation, ladle's left with neighbor gentlespoon's right)

Allison Wonderland

by: Bob Green

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing
B1 8
star promenade left once
butterfly whirl
B2 8
ladles chain
long lines forward & back ⁋

A waltz-time contra, can be danced and dissolved into a free waltz

Video available: http://dancevideos.childgrove.org/contra/contra-modern/527-allison-wonderland-by-bob-green-duple-improper