Form Long Waves



related figures: form a long wave, form an ocean wave
formal parameters: who, beats


Dance Figure
A Crafty Wave
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
A Proper Whoosh
form long waves - first corners face in, second corners face out [2]
Alexander Avery's Articulate Anime Adventure
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, shadow in...
Amherst & Wooster
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, next...
Apples and Concord Grapes
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out, neighbor...
Bass Ackwards
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Bob the Surfer
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Bobbing for Isaacs
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out (right...
Carla's Stomp
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Cats and More Cats
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Celebrating 60
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Chinese New Year
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Chuck the Budgie
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out ⁋
Chuck the Budgie
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out ⁋
Climate Change's Reel
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out (give right...
Du Quoin Races
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Four Have Sprung
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out ¹
Four Have Sprung
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out (3rd...
Four Have Sprung (ricochet hey var)
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Four Have Sprung variation
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out (3rd...
Frannie's Fabulous Folklife
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Gotta Catch 'Em All
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Grand Western Canal
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, balance...
Groovemonger's Contra
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, neighbor 2...
Heat Exhaustion
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Heat Stroke
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
High Seas ("current neighbor" notation)
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out, these next...
High Seas ("previous neighbor" notation)
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out, next...
Holiday in the Wood
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
I Wanna Dance
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
If It Fits, I Sits
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
La Green Bean
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
La Southern Green Bean
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
form long waves - twos face in, ones face out
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation)
form long waves - twos face in, ones face out
form long waves - twos face in, ones face out (same waves)
Laura's Leap
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Looking for Love Again
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out - by taking...
Lost at Sea
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Love and Twirls
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Mad Robin Landing
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Missing Duck
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out. The person...
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out with...
Missing Duck simple A variation
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out. The person...
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out with...
Mountains in Sunny Windows
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Naked in California
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out, shadows right
Napkin #13
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Needs Must
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
New Pencils
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out ⁋
Not A Dance Yet
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out [1]
Not a Trip to Vegas
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Oh Hi, Turtle!
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Out of the Box
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, partner in...
Pecan Pie
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Playground Stomp
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Random Acts of Kindness variation
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Rant and Roar
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out with left...
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Rory S'More
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out with right...
Rory S'More (variation)
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out with right...
Salute to Dave Colestock
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, right hand...
form long waves - ones face in, twos face out
Seaworld (alternating version)
form long waves - ones face in, twos face out
form long waves - twos face in, ones face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Shadow Boxing
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Sharing Is Caring
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out Partner...
Sharing Is Caring variation
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out Shadow Left...
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate)
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
Spin Blend
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
Surfing the Cays
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out - and balance
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out - and balance
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out - original...
The 24th of May
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out ⁋
The Wedding Ring Circle Mixer
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out (one circle...
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out (one circle...
Turn of Phrase
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out, next...
form long waves - first corners face in, second corners face out
Waving Wheat
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
You Can't Get There From Here
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out the wave
You Can't Get There From Here
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out

Dances without Form Long Waves

Moves Sharing a Dance with Form Long Waves


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl




do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More


slide along set

square through


star promenade


turn alone

up the hall

Moves Preceding Form Long Waves


box circulate

box the gnat



do si do

form a long wave



right left through

Rory O'More

square through


Moves Following Form Long Waves



balance the ring

box circulate

Rory O'More