KW 2024-06-05 Joyride

user: Koren A Wake

Spend Some Time Together

by: Luke Donforth

introduces moves: long lines, swing, allemande, do si do, promenade, chain

formation: improper

A1 8
long lines forward & back
neighbors swing (this is a new neighbor)
A2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners do si do once
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
partners promenade
ladles chain ⁋

Mr. Isaac's Magic

by: Sue Rosen

introduces moves: box the gnat, petronella

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
A2 16
partners balance & swing
B1 8
long lines forward & back
ladles chain to neighbor
B2 8
balance & petronella
balance & petronella; turn to face next neighbor ⁋

Piece of Cake

by: Carol Kopp

introduces moves: hey, pass by, circle, balance the ring, California twirl

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 16
gentlespoons start a full hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
B1 2
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
partners California twirl ⁋

Minimum Fuss, Maximum Fun

by: Dean Snipes

introduces moves: box circulate, star

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
balance & box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop right
A2 8
balance & box circulate - ladles cross while gentlespoons loop right
neighbors swing
B1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners swing
B2 8
ladles chain
star left 4 places ⁋

Yoyo's Ma

by: Susan Petrick

introduces moves: poussette

formation: improper

A1 8
half poussette - gentlespoons pull partners back then left
neighbors swing
A2 8
ladles chain to partner
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
partners California twirl then join two hands ⁋

Lavender and Gold

by: Jim Hemphill

introduces moves: give & take, right left through, square through

formation: Becket

A1 8
gentlespoons give & take neighbors
neighbors swing
A2 8
right left through
left diagonal ladles chain to shadow
B1 8
long lines forward & back
square through two - next neighbors balance & pull by right, then shadows pull by left ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing

waltz & break

The Sturgeon General

by: Isaac Banner

introduces moves: form an ocean wave, Rory O'More, custom

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 4
balance the ring
pass through to an ocean wave - ladles by left in the center, neighbors by right on the sides
balance & Rory O'More right and gentlespoons keep sliding past each other
B1 0
gentlespoons catch left hands
gentlespoons allemande left once
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places and pass through
next neighbors do si do once

3, 33-33

by: Steve Zakon-Anderson

alternate #9 (was hoping to do 99999 but decided not to, for time)

introduces moves: pull by dancers

formation: improper

A1 4
1st neighbors balance & pull by right
2nd neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
A2 4
3rd neighbors pull by right
2nd neighbors pull by left
1st neighbors swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles do si do 1½ ⁋

Steel Anniversary Reel

by: Rick Mohr

This dance is not published.

Dreamland Races

by: Koren Wake

introduces moves: balance, roll away

formation: Becket ccw

A1 4
balance the ring
pass through to an ocean wave - ladles by left in the center, partners by right on the sides
balance the wave
partners allemande right ¾ to long waves (gentlespoons face out)
A2 8
balance & box circulate - ladles cross while gentlespoons loop right
balance & box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop right
B1 16
partners balance & swing (on home side)
B2 4
circle left 2 places
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay across the set
balance the ring
gentlespoons roll away partners on the side of the set - no half sashay! and face new neighbors

Inspired by Du Quoin Races by Orace Johnson.

B2 progression/teaching point: After balancing the ring, imagine long lines, and imagine the rollaway occurring in long lines, with the gentlespoons not moving. In order to progress the partnership along the side of the set, the gentlespoons need to NOT move left - instruct them to take a small step back/out of the set to make space, and then shift just a smidge further to the right to join the ring with new neighbors. Keep the roll aways tight (arms springy!) to avoid collisions.

B1 partner swing may be a balance and swing or right gyre and swing, depending on the music and the dancers' energy for that many balances in a row.

Practice Petronella

by: Tom Lehmann

formation: Becket

A1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
left diagonal ladles chain (to shadow) ⁋
B1 8
balance & petronella
balance & petronella, turn to face partner
B2 16
partners balance & swing