user: Nicholas Rockstroh
teach cozy wave for ones and twos
remember to emphasize that the ladies don't move while the gents dosido
by: Lisa Greenleaf
introduces moves: swing, long lines, allemande, right left through, circle, pass through
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | right left through
6 | circle left 3 places
| |
2 | pass through ⁋
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: hey
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors allemande right 1½
8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
| |
A2 | 16 | partners start a full hey - rights on ends, lefts in center +
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | right left through
6 | circle left 3 places
| |
2 | pass through ⁋
Bob Isaacs notes: One of Gene Hubert’s best, which is really saying something. As good a full hey dance as any ever written.
+partners right, ladles left, neighbor right, gentlespoons left
by: Rick Mohr
teach cozy wave for ones and twos
introduces moves: down the hall, up the hall, custom, balance the ring, California twirl
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | down the hall and form a cozy line
8 | up the hall and bend into a cloverleaf
| |
B1 | 8 | cloverleaf left 3 places
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | partners California twirl ⁋
Rick's notes:
"Once when my foursome improvised the A2 (from Fred Feild's classic modern contra "Symmetrical Force") in a different dance, I noticed the seamless transition from cloverleaf to swing. The result is this pleasing straightforward dance, with the additional quality that hand connection is never broken."
by: Cary Ravitz
introduces moves: star, mad robin
formation: Becket
A1 | 8 | right left through
8 | star left - hands across - 3 places and a bit more until gentlespoons are aligned in the center
| |
A2 | 4 | gentlespoons allemande left ½
12 | neighbors swing
| |
B1 | 8 | mad robin, gentlespoons in front
8 | star right 3 places and a bit more so new ladles can take left hands ⁋
| |
B2 | 4 | ladles allemande left ½ while gentlespoons walk forward to meet partners
12 | partners swing
Make sure to remind the dancers, particularly the ladles, to keep their eyes looking up for the next people rather than looking down at their feet.
In practice, both stars function as full stars, but noting the different alignment helps to keep the set oriented, especially on the star right before the progression
by: Kelsey Hartman
remember to emphasize that the ladies don't move while the gents dosido
introduces moves: chain, petronella, see saw
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors allemande left 1½
8 | ladles chain
| |
A2 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | neighbors swing
| |
B1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 6 | gentlespoons see saw once
6 | circle right 3 places ⁋
| |
4 | partners California twirl
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: box the gnat, pull by dancers, do si do
formation: improper
A1 | 4 | neighbors box the gnat
4 | gentlespoons pull by left
| |
8 | partners swing
| |
A2 | 8 | circle left 4 places
8 | partners do si do once
| |
B1 | 4 | partners box the gnat
4 | ladles pull by left
| |
8 | neighbors swing
| |
B2 | 8 | right left through
8 | star left 4 places ⁋
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: promenade, custom
formation: Becket
A1 | 6 | circle left 3 places
10 | neighbors swing
| |
A2 | 6 | neighbors promenade along the set on the right
2 | ladles cast back while gentlespoons continue forward ⁋
| |
8 | next neighbors swing
| |
B1 | 8 | entire set oval left until across from partner
8 | long lines forward & back
| |
B2 | 8 | ladles allemande right 1½
8 | partners swing