user: Dan Kappus
by: Mike Richardson
introduces moves: swing, long lines, allemande, do si do, circle, pull by dancers
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | ladles allemande left 1½
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 8 | gentlespoons do si do once
6 | circle left 3 places
| |
2 | neighbors pull by right
by: Rich Mohr
introduces moves: custom
formation: four face four
Have dancers note their "trail buddies" and who their corners are. The two dancers in the middle of the line of 4 are corners and the dancers at the ends have their corners in front of them.
A1 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | corners swing
| |
A2 | 8 | ladles star right once
8 | corners allemande left 1.25
| |
B1 | 10 | partners pull by right for grand right and left until they meet their partner
6 | partners do si do once
| |
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing and end facing new lines of 4 ⁋
In the grand right and left dancers end up traveling half way around the circle.
by: Traditional
introduces moves: custom, chain
formation: improper
A1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
A2 | 16 | ones long swing
B1 | 16 | Actives down the center, turn alone, cast off with neighbor
B2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | ladles chain traditional "full chain": across and back
by: Bob Issacs
introduces moves: petronella, balance, custom, hey, gyre, meltdown swing, balance the ring, California twirl
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | balance & petronella shift right
8 | balance & petronella shift right and make a wave of four, ladles taking left hands in the wave
| |
A2 | 4 | ____ balance the wave
4 | Swing through: allemande neighbor by the right halfway, gentlespoons allemande left halfway (say "half by the left, half by the right" this is fast!)
| |
8 | partners start a half hey - rights on ends, lefts in center
| |
B1 | 8 | partners gyre once
8 | partners meltdown swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places ⁋
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | partners California twirl to a new ring (progression)
by: Joseph Pimentel
introduces moves: Rory O'More, give & take, form an ocean wave
formation: improper
begin in short waves (ladles in center by left, neighbor in right)
A1 | 8 | balance & Rory O'More right
8 | balance & Rory O'More left
| |
A2 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
B1 | 8 | gentlespoons give & take partners
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
8 | neighbors do si do 1½ and dance forward to ⁋
| |
0 | form an ocean wave - ladles by left hands and neighbors by right hands
Mac McKeever note on balances before Rory O'More: first balance is in the direction you will be going
by: Jim Hemphill
introduces moves: stand still
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½ to a wavy line in the center. Partner in right hand on the outside
| |
A2 | 8 | stand still
8 | stand still
| |
B1 | 8 | stand still
8 | stand still
| |
B2 | 8 | stand still
8 | stand still ⁋
by: Cary Ravitz
introduces moves: pass through, star promenade, butterfly whirl
formation: Becket
A1 | 6 | circle left 3 places
2 | pass through ⁋
| |
8 | next neighbors swing
| |
A2 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½, keeping hands, pick up partner
4 | star promenade left ½
| |
4 | butterfly whirl to face in
| |
B1 | 16 | ladles start a full hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
Cary Ravitz notes: This dance is an easier version of Through the Looking Glass, or you
might see it as Amy Kahn's Sweet Music with a different progression,
or Steve Zakon-Anderson's Twirling at the Alter with the progression
moved from the hey to the circle, or David Zinkin's Becky's Becket
with a different A2.
by: Cary Ravitz
introduces moves: promenade
formation: Becket ccw
A1 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½
8 | neighbors swing
| |
A2 | 8 | neighbors promenade
8 | ladles chain
| |
B1 | 8 | balance & petronella and turn to face the next ⁋
8 | balance & petronella
| |
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
"The motion in B1 does seem magical – while the ladles Petronella over and back across the set, the gentlespoons do consecutive Petronellas along the side, in effect progressing behind his partner’s back."
- Rich Goss
by: Chestnut
introduces moves: down the hall, up the hall, contra corners
formation: proper
A1 | 8 | ones down the outsides and turn alone
8 | ones up the outsides
| |
A2 | 8 | ones down the center and turn alone
8 | ones up the center, cast around same-role neighbor ⁋
| |
B1 | 16 | ones contra corners
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
Danner Claflin notes: Chorus jig is still an amazing dance. Being an 'inactive' is the best. Here's the calls for the inactives:
A1: Swing Partner, separate
A2: Allemande person behind you (in another set), come back and cast off actives
B1: Contra corners: Left to your first corner, right to the person behind you, left to your second corner, end facing person behind you
B2: Balance and swing person in other set.
by: Ted Sannella
introduces moves: star, custom
formation: triplet
all proper, ending 2-3-1 but improper will do fine, also
A1 | 8 | star left 4 places couples 1 and 2
8 | star right 4 places couples 1 and 1 all the way back
| |
A2 | 16 | down the center, cross over, back outside
B1 | 16 | dip and dive six center couple arches, face up to start
B2 | 8 | cast down the outside to bottom
8 | all swing