user: Chet Gray
by: Julian Blechner
introduces moves: custom, turn alone, allemande, do si do, swing, promenade
formation: circle mixer
A1 | 8 | ladles to the center and back
2 | gentlespoons to the center
| |
4 | gentlespoons turn alone
| |
2 | gentlespoons go back
| |
A2 | 8 | partners allemande left 1½ (gentlespoons progress CCW, ladles progress CW) ⁋
8 | next neighbors do si do once (now your partner)
| |
B1 | 16 | partners balance & swing
B2 | 16 | partners promenade along the set on the right
by: Don Flaherty
introduces moves: petronella, balance the ring, gyre, circle, balance, California twirl
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | balance & petronella
| |
A2 | 4 | balance the ring
12 | neighbors swing
| |
B1 | 8 | ladles gyre 1½
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | partners balance
| |
4 | partners California twirl ⁋
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: slide along set, long lines, chain, hey
formation: Becket
A1 | 2 | slide left along set ⁋
6 | circle left 3 places
| |
8 | neighbors swing
| |
A2 | 8 | long lines forward & back
8 | ladles chain
| |
B1 | 16 | ladles start a full hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing
by: Myra Hirschberg
introduces moves: star, meltdown swing
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | neighbors allemande left 1½
8 | ladles chain
| |
A2 | 8 | star left - hands across - 4 places, then ladles drop out
8 | gentlespoons allemande left once
| |
B1 | 16 | partners meltdown swing
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
8 | neighbors swing ⁋
Note: Dancers should be warned to end the neighbor swing in good time for the neighbor allemande.
Written for the wedding of our friends Eric and Heather.
Don't Think, Dance
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: custom, right left through, pass through
formation: square dance
A1 | 8 | Heads forward & back
8 | right left through Heads
| |
A2 | 6 | circle left 3 places Heads
2 | pass through to face Sides
| |
8 | neighbors do si do 1¼ to a wave of 4 (2 ladles in the middle by the left, neighbor right)
| |
B1 | 4 | balance right & left
2 | neighbors allemande right ½
| |
2 | gentlespoons allemande left ½
| |
8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 16 | partners promenade along the set on the right to home
by: Chris Page
formation: square dance
A1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | neighbors swing (CORNER)
| |
A2 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | next neighbors swing (NEXT CORNER)
| |
B1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | next neighbors swing (NEXT NEXT CORNER)
| |
B2 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | partners swing
As long as they know petronella turns and who their corner is, they're set to go. If they're aware of the concept that a corner is a place rather than a face, then there's no need to walk through any of this.
This is a quick way to swing everyone. gentlespoons go nowhere, ladles go around the square.
by: Gene Hubert
introduces moves: box the gnat, pull by dancers
formation: improper
A1 | 4 | neighbors box the gnat
4 | gentlespoons pull by left
| |
8 | partners swing
| |
A2 | 8 | circle left 4 places
8 | partners do si do once
| |
B1 | 4 | partners box the gnat
4 | ladles pull by left
| |
8 | neighbors swing
| |
B2 | 8 | right left through
8 | star left 4 places ⁋
Rock the Cradle, Joe