KW 2025-03-08 Olympia w/ Countercurrent

user: Koren A Wake

Back of the Envelope

by: Dugan Murphy

introduces moves: long lines, allemande, swing, circle, do si do

formation: improper

A1 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande left 1½
A2 16
partners balance & swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors do si do once
B2 16
neighbors balance & swing

Rollin' & Tumblin'

by: Cis Hinkle

introduces moves: roll away, chain, star

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 4
long lines forward
gentlespoons roll away neighbors
long lines forward
ladles roll away neighbors
B1 8
ladles allemande right 1½
partners swing
B2 8
ladles chain to neighbor
star left 4 places ⁋

The dual long lines with a roll away sets up a nice transition into the ladles allemande.

Emma's Emergency

by: Maia McCormick

introduces moves: box the gnat, hey, balance the ring, California twirl

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
circle left 3 places
partners right hand balance & box the gnat
B1 8
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
partners California twirl ⁋

Sweet Home Petronella

by: Deanna Rubin

introduces moves: pull by dancers, petronella, pass through

formation: improper

This is a variation on contra-cordions or contra-accordions or whatever it's called by James Hudson and Scott Higgs. I basically kept their A1 and messed around with the rest.

A1 2
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors allemande left once
neighbors pull by right
prev neighbors allemande left once
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing
B2 8
balance & petronella
balance the ring
pass through

So the catch on the progression is that people have to balance the ring and drop hands before passing through, otherwise ladles will basically be trying to pull by right twice.

A Thing of Trust

by: Chris Page

introduces moves: poussette

formation: improper

A1 6
half poussette - gentlespoons pull partners back then left clockwise ⁋
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
circle left 3 places
B1 6
half poussette - gentlespoons pull neighbors back then left clockwise
partners swing
B2 8
ladles chain to neighbor
circle right 4 places

Notes from Bob Isaacs: Written on August 7, 2012 as a smushing together of the B2/A1 of "A Sure Thing" and A2/B1 of "Trust," to put both transitions in the same dance. Chris learned to dance and call at Glenside before moving to San Diego a decade ago. This dance has it all; a new transition, good flow into both swings, and the beautiful/circle R/pousette progression.

The Judge

by: Bob Isaacs

introduces moves: right left through, custom

formation: Becket

A1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
right left through
left diagonal ladles chain to shadow
B1 0
form a ring with next neighbor and shadow
balance & petronella
balance & petronella ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing

waltz & break

Wrinkled Ribbon

by: Melanie Axel-Lute

introduces moves: promenade

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors allemande left 1½
ladles chain
A2 16
ladles start a full hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
partners promenade across & loop wide to new neighbors (J-hook) ⁋
circle right 3 places

Leap of Faith

by: Bob Isaacs

This dance is not published.

Steel Anniversary Reel

by: Rick Mohr

This dance is not published.

Pizza Shop

by: Yoyo Zhou

introduces moves: slice, down the hall, up the hall

formation: Becket

A1 8
slice left and straight back ⁋
ladles chain
A2 8
ladles allemande right once
neighbors swing
B1 8
down the hall and turn as a couple
up the hall and bend into a ring
B2 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing